Monday, 28 October 2013

Spooooooky tag!

1. What is your favorite Halloween movie?

It has to be Hocus Pocus, if you haven't watched... WATCH IT

2. What is your fondest Halloween memory?

One year, we had a party and my mum decorated the whole house! Literally, all the walls were covered with bin bags. It was so fun, and because I was so little I didn't have to help tidy up haha :)

3. Have you always been a Halloween lover?

Not really, I was the sort of kid that didn't like dressing up if I looked silly. I used to go in a massive strop if I felt I looked stupid (baring in mind I was the kid that mum decided to put my hair into a million different plaits/mini buns on my head). Now though, I don't really care haha and the fact mum can't decide what I wear anymore.

4. How do you get into the Halloween spirit? 

Watching lots of Halloween movies and baking Halloween cupcakes, I've never carved a pumpkin before so this year I want to give it a try (even if I now it will turn into an epic fail)

5. Favorite Halloween decorations?
I love seeing pumpkins that are lit up, they're so cute (even if they're not meant to be)

6. Favorite candy?
Anything thats cherry flavored, I love sour sweets too!

7. Vampires or zombies?

VAMPIRES, purely because I'm a sucker (no pun intended haha) for the Cullen Family from Twilight.

8. What is your weird/odd fear(s)?

I can't stand feet, anyone who knows me knows not to put their feet near me. I don't like birds either, especially them bloody seagulls that feel the need to fly over your head for ages. If there's birds above me, I don't look like the coolest person in the world.

I tag everyone who loves Halloween!

Hope you enjoyed another tag, I quite like doing them because it means you can find out a bit more about me and I love reading others!

Thankyou for reading!

Speak soon! 

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